What is a Nursing Home?
A nursing home is a care facility that provides services by care professionals to their residents or patients at the nursing home. These places generally have many residents who are at the stage of their life that daily tasks have become difficult or they may have memory issues. A care professional generally will help to administer medicine, provide other care that involves hygiene and maybe even exercise. Meals are also provided and an overall careful watch and checkups on residents.
What is an Elderly Home?
An elderly home is more like an apartment complex or condominium complex for seniors. It differs from the nursing home in that around the clock care and watch is not taking place. Sometimes a dinner is provided at these homes for residents to eat if they choose to and other little events. Residents of these homes can still own and drive cars if able to do so and operate with a much higher degree of independence than a nursing home. An elderly home helps to make life a bit easier for seniors and allows them to continue living with a great deal of independence.
Main Problems of These Homes
One of the main issues at nursing homes is neglect. Neglect can occur when residents who are supposed to be given a great deal of care are neglected. This could occur due to poor staffing, personal issues, poor training or other reasons. If staffing is poor, it could be possible that a very important medicine could be forgotten to be administered to a resident in need. If neglect or even abuse occurs, it may be time to contact the police or seek legal counsel. If you are looking for a nursing home neglect lawyer in NJ, then lawyers from a firm like Davis & Brusca, LLC may be able to give you a hand.
Which one is Best?
In order to figure out which one of these two homes is best, it’s important to ask yourself the question of what your needs are. If your needs are having a care professional give you medicines, provide all of your meals, help out with daily tasks you no longer can do or other typical independent tasks that are no longer independent then it’s probably best that you live in a nursing home.
If your life has slowed down a bit and you just don’t have the energy any longer to look after a home and all the tasks involved with that, but are still capable of being independent, then an elderly home may be best for you. The elderly home generally is a place where you have much more authority over your day to day life and live around other like-minded seniors doing the same thing.