To file for bankruptcy is a difficult decision that a lot of people do not know how to navigate. After all, you should hope to only have to file for bankruptcy once in your life, if you ever have to at all. When it comes to dealing with creditors, you need to know how bankruptcy can help defend you against unfair debt collection and harassing calls.
What Is Unfair Debt Collection?
Most Americans who are in debt have been the victim of unfair debt collection. What you may not know is that there is a Federal Debt Collection Practices Act that prohibits this type of behavior. If you are victim of unfair debt collection, then you may have a case against your creditors. Unfair debt collection includes calling you before 8 am or after 9 pm, talking to your employers about your debt, contacting you after you explain that you have an attorney, threatening you with arrest or imprisonment or talking to anyone else about your debt.
What Do You Have to Tell Creditors?
The idea of calling up every one of your creditors to inform them of your bankruptcy is enough to make anyone anxious. No one wants to have to make those calls. After all, discussing your financial matters with creditors is never a fun experience, period. When you file for bankruptcy, you do not have to make any calls. You do not have to tell the creditors that you may be considering bankruptcy and you do not have to inform them when it happens.
When you file for bankruptcy, a week later, your creditors will receive a 341 notice. This informs them of the bankruptcy. You should not have to do anything. If the creditor contacts you after he or she receives the letter, then you can give the creditor your case number and ask that they no longer contact you. You should not receive any more bills at this point. If you receive a bill, then you can mail a copy of the 341 notice to you creditor along with a copy of the bill.
If you are worried about your creditors harassing you after you file for bankruptcy, then you can always voice these concerns to your lawyer. Remember to provide your attorney with information about any harassment that you receive. To find out more about your bankruptcy, set up an appointment with a bankruptcy and asset protection lawyer in New Haven, CT today.
Thanks to The Law Offices of Ronald I. Chorches for their insight into bankruptcy law and creditor harassment.